Answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What is Nouthetic Counseling?
The term “nouthetic” comes from the Greek word noutheteo, translated as ‘warning’, in Colossians 1:28 which means to admonish, correct, or instruct. Nouthetic Counseling in practice then is providing this instruction and correction based on Biblical principals and doctrine. For more information, go this site National Association of Nouthetic Counselors
What you should I bring to each session?
Your Bible, a notebook of some kind (smaller spiral bound types are best), a heart ready to work on becoming what God wants for you.
Why is the Counseling Free?
Because we want to minister to people, we do not want money to keep you from seeking God’s answers to your problems. If you would like to make a donation to CCS it will help us cover costs for literature and other things.
When is Counseling done?
CCS schedules appointments on Mondays at either 4:00, 5:00, 7:00, or 8:00PM. If there are no openings, you will be placed on a waiting list until a counselor has an open time slot.
How long will I be in counseling?
That depends on how much prayer and work you put into it. If you do the homework we give you and ask the Lord for help in following what the Bible has to say about your problem 8 to 12 weeks is a time frame that fits most problems.
Each week your counselor will ask you to do certain things at home: a little reading, Bible study, attending church, making notes etc. Homework will take a little time 2-3 days during the week to be effective.
“The counsel of the Lord stands forever!” Psalm 33 vs 11